Saturday, December 21, 2013


Spencer Jacobs thought his life was pretty damn perfect. He had a good job, a long-time girlfriend, and a bright happy future ahead. That is, until that fateful night when he walked in and saw the ultimate betrayal between the woman he loved and his own twin brother. After having his heart ripped open by the two people he trusted most, Spencer fled his hometown in search for a new life. 

Befriending Tucker Wade in this sleepy town had proven to be a good thing. Tucker had given him a job and a new beginning. He thought he needed time to heal, but even after the two years, he still hadn’t gotten over the pain of what that night had cost him. Spencer doesn’t believe that he will ever be able to trust anyone again with his heart, let alone to ever love again.  That is, until the fateful day Lexi Allen walked in his life. The spunky redhead had the ability to bust down that fortress he had built around his heart, leaving him questioning everything he thought he ever knew about himself.

Lexi Allen has never been in love. She has always held out for that special person, that special someone that she can give her whole heart to. The day hunky Spencer Jacobs walks in her life, she quickly realizes that he just may be that person. The only problem is, he’s broken and he can’t offer her anything more than a good time. 

Will Lexi and Spencer ever find someone to love?  

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Cover Designed by Melissa Gill @ MGBookCovers
Photo by: MHPhotography

Teaser #2 (unedited and subject to change)

“He’s very handsome.” My mom says quietly beside me.


“Well both of them are actually, but I was referring to Spencer.”

I turn in my chair to look at my mom who is looking at me like she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

How do moms do that?

“Yes he is,” I reply to her while turning back around to continue watching everyone.

Well, maybe not everyone. I am really only watching one right now. He must feel my eyes on him because he turns to grin at me. It’s obvious he knows I’d been watching him. He winks at me then turns his attention back to the men.

“Interesting.” Mama mutters beside me.

“What’s interesting?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the way you two look at each other, but yet you’re only friends. Or the fact that your cheeks are flushed from just one little smile and wink from him. I’ve never seen you have this reaction before.”

No, she hasn’t, because I’ve never met anyone that affected me like Spencer does. Mama knows that I am holding out for the right guy for me. I want what she and dad have and Brenna and Tucker. I don’t want a man to love me for a little while with only half of his heart. I want his whole heart, with no memories of past ghosts haunting him. I will not share him with anyone, past or present. I’m greedy like that.

“If you want him Lexi, then fight for him. Help him heal. Open your heart to him. Show him how it is to really be loved.”

“I don’t even know what happened to him.”

“Well then, Alexia, I suggest you figure it out.” She never uses my real name, unless she means business. “Trust me, it may be a bumpy ride but the end result will make it all worthwhile.”

“Thanks Mama.” I say to the woman who has always had my best interest at heart. She smiles and pats my hand as I lean over and place a kiss on her cheek.

Remember Love (The Forever Love Series #1)

They say you can never go home again. Brenna James is about to finish her final year of college when a visit home could change everything. Fate was pushing her towards her childhood best friend, Tucker, leaving Brenna no other option than to remember memories from a time once forgotten. Can Tucker slip himself into her heart? Will he be able to show her his feelings? The biggest question is, can Tucker help Brenna remember love?

The book has sexual situations and language intended for ages 18 & up.

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                                                Trailers:                                          (FGBB) (CRU)

Cover Designed by Melissa Gill @ MGBookCovers

About Riley Rhea

Riley Rhea is your typical country girl, born and raised in the Bluegrass. In the last 30 something years, she has successfully brought into this world 3 children, which may or not be claimed by her, depending on their behavior.

Riley enjoys reading, spending time on the farm and quiet afternoons when those who call her mom leave the house. Riley also loves country music and drools over Luke Bryan. Riley’s biggest fears are crickets and banks.

Not just an avid reader, Riley is an active blogger and reviews many books during the span of a week when she isn’t writing about her loveable and sexy country boys.

She’s always had a background in writing, her mother being an author, and one day, out of the blue, 2 characters popped into her head and wouldn’t shut up. After some advice from a good friend, Remember Love was born.

Thank you all for taking time to get to know Riley a little better. You can always find her on Facebook if y’all want to chat a little more.

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